Diabetes Surgery
Diabetes surgery is a treatment method applied only for patients who cannot control their insulin. The tissues in the body need insulin to use the sugar in the blood as energy. Insulin is basically a hormone released from the Pancreatic gland. If the pancreatic gland cannot secrete insulin for any reason, it is type 1 diabetes, and if it can secrete it partially and the insulin is less than the body's need, type 2 diabetes is mentioned.
Treatment of type 1 diabetes is usually lifelong insulin use or pancreatic islet cell transplantation.
Type 2 diabetes treatment can be provided with metabolic surgical procedures.
Diabetes surgery is only recommended for patients who cannot control their sugar.
If the patient has already changed his lifestyle, does his diet and exercise, and keeps his diabetes under control with medications, surgery is not recommended for patients.
In fact, beating this disease is in the hands of the patients themselves.
Having a healthy diet and exercise; Patients who use their medications regularly can control their insulin levels.
One of the biggest environmental factors of the disease is refined industrial foods. We have now moved away from the meals we prepared at home and started consuming fast-food-style foods. In other words, every individual who consumes unhealthy foods is a candidate for catching this disease. After getting the disease, it may become your choice to have diabetes surgery.
Frequently Asked Questions for Diabetes Surgery
In order for you to have diabetes surgery, you have Type 2 diabetes and you have metabolic disease symptoms such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure; your body mass index should be 30 kg/m2 and above.
It is seen that the patients who are found suitable for the operation by performing the necessary tests before the diabetes surgery, get rid of the diabetes disease thanks to this surgery.
Pre-diabetes surgery examinations include tests to determine whether the performance of all your vital organs is sufficient for diabetes surgery. These tests are a check-up. In addition, endocrinology, psychiatry, chest diseases, cardiology and anesthesia units will take place.
When you decide to have an operation, a detailed check-up is first given to you. If a situation that prevents surgery is encountered, first of all, your disease is treated. After your disease is treated, we can perform your surgery.